Since the days of the prophets, to the age of the New Testament, through the times of Martin Luther and the Reformation, until now, God has saved His people through faith alone. The question is, what is faith? What must happen in one’s heart and life to respond to God’s grace with the kind of faith that saves? Join us as Pastor Stephen offers a systematic look at what the whole counsel of God has to say about saving faith, starting in Romans 1:16-17.
Do Not Steal | Exodus 20:15
Do Not Commit Adultery | Exodus 20:14
Do Not Murder | Exodus 20:13
Honor Your Father and Mother | Exodus 20:12
Keep the Sabbath Holy | Exodus 20:8-11
Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain | Exodus 20:7
Make No Idols | Exodus 20:4-6
Have No Other Gods | Exodus 20:1-3
God Consecrates Israel | Exodus 19:9-25
God’s Covenant with Israel | Exodus 19:1-9