For the final time before reaching Mount Sinai, God’s people grumble against Him and put Him to the test. Find out how God once again shows that He is a God worth trusting in, and how He provides for His people in a way that is personal and present with them. Most of all, find out about the true Rock and Water of life that God gives, His Son Jesus Christ.
God’s Covenant with Israel | Exodus 19:1-9
Jethro Advises Moses to Appoint Judges | Exodus 18:13-27
Moses Reunites with Jethro | Exodus 18:1-12
Our Greatest Battle | James 1:12-15
God Defeats the Amalekites | Exodus 17:8-16
God Gives Manna | Exodus 16:1-36
God Sweetens the Bitter Water | Exodus 15:22-27
The Kind of Faith that Saves, Part II | Romans 1:16-17
The Kind of Faith That Saves, Part I | Hebrews 11:24-26
The Song of Moses | Exodus 15:1-21